
Our progress depends on donations from the public. Please consider donating $5, $10, $20, or even more!

Funding for transportation, medical supplies, and housing for wildlife is mostly out-of-pocket. It can be very costly to rehabilitate wildlife but without facilities like ours these animals would likely be euthanized on the spot or left to die in misery. With the human population growing and encroaching on wildlife habitat there will continue to be wild animals directly affected by human activities – whether that be car strikes, cutting an unwanted tree down, or a domestic animal attack – luckily there are people willing to help these animals.
Click Here to learn why saving wildlife is important.

By donating to New Moon Wildlife Rescue you are helping us save wildlife! Our mission is to provide quality medical attention and rehabilitative care for injured, sick or orphaned bats and other small mammals with the ultimate goal of releasing them back into the wild where they belong.

Your donation provides funding for:

–  Transporting injured, sick or orphaned wildlife to care center
–  Medical supplies (i.e. sodium chloride, gloves, syringes, medications, etc.)
–  Veterinary care if necessary
–  Enclosure construction and upkeep
–  Food and enrichment for wildlife patients
–  Educational programs
–  Transporting healthy wildlife to release sites

*We are in the process of raising funds to obtain our 501(c)(3) status.
Until then donations are not tax deductible.